Energy conservation
Homes at Prairie Crossing have been constructed with techniques that reduce energy consumption by approximately 50 percent in comparison to new homes in the area. Community-wide recycling and composting programs are in effect. Prairie Crossing is designed to encourage walking and biking as alternatives to short trips by automobile. A wind turbine provides power to the farm. The new buildings of the Prairie Crossing Charter School are designed to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards.
“Our house has always been tight and cozy. Now to start adding renewable energy with solar panels!”
“In a neighborhood like Prairie Crossing, sometimes ‘keeping up with the Jones’ is a bit different. A few years ago the Homeowners Association sponsored an energy conservation contest with cash prizes to inspire some friendly competition.”
“Because of the composting program, and of course recycling, our family of four really generates a minimal amount of garbage. At our last home we composted in our back yard but having curbside pick-up really makes it easy to compost.”
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